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Git Version Plugin


A plugin to generate semantic version information from git tags and make them available for the project this plugin is applied to.


This plugin mimics git describe --always and git describe --always --match VERSION_PREFIX to derive a version string. In case the repository state is dirty, a .dirty marker is appended to the version string.

It adds:

  • gitVersion - version code derived from a git tag
  • gitVersionInfo - prints all information about the current version


Add the following to your project module build.gradle/build.gradle.kts file:

plugins {

The plugin works without configuration, assuming there is no prefix used for version tags. In case you want to use a prefixed version tag, cou could configure it to your needs:

  • prefix: desired version tag prefix, that must comply with this regex [/@]?([A-Za-z]+[/@-])+ Default: empty
gitVersionConfig {


To print current version information:

./gradlew printGitVersion
./gradlew printGitVersionInfo

To access the git version information, use this project extensions:

  • gitVersion() - git version as String
  • gitVersionInfo() - git version information as String


This plugin started as a Kotlin rewrite of gradle-git-version - a Gradle plugin that uses git describe to produce a version string.

During development it turned into its own plugin with adjusted functionality. If you need your version be based on git describe --tags --always --first-parent with first-parent behavior. Please use the gradle-git-version plugin instead.